Veuve Fourny style for a Premier Cru collection
“Just like an “haute couture” workshop, we like to think-up every plot of our vineyard as a fabric, a fine cloth. We then tack these fabrics together, allowing us to create a set of unique pieces every year. These pieces form our collection steeped with a distinct style: distinguished, elegant and precise.”
Our commitment to the respect of our terroirs goes further than our vineyards: our cellars. We patiently wait for the best maturity of our grapes, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, in order to reach a balance between ripeness and freshness. Grapes are harvested by hand, separately for each plot, and then delicately pressed. Only the best juices, called “cuvées”, are kept.Our intention is to intervene as little as possible and to let our wines take their time. This is why our wines, after their first alcoholic fermentation, spend more than six months on their own lees in vats or in old small oak casks… This pause lets them release all their aromatic complexity. Moreover, in keeping with our philosophy, we do not use fining methods on our wines and most of them are not filtered.
Our will is to create a natural link representing a beautiful harmony between the fruit and the salts and minerals of the soil. From our reserve wines to the wines of the year, in casks or in vats, with a malolactic fermentation or not, whether Pinot Noir or Chardonnay, lower or higher plots exposed south or east, older or younger vines; here are all the fabrics we use to create our 9 unique pieces… And to let our wines fully express their potential, we have made the choice of little or no dosage when disgorging.